Read one chapter ahead on my Patreon. 

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AN: Fair warning, there's a bit of a racial angle going on in this chapter. Mostly coming from Mari/Vixen. It's not too prevalent and it won't become a major focus going forward, but if you're not that into it, I understand.

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Warm water rained down, flowing over naked bodies. They were two, locked together amidst the downpour and the rising steam. Roaming hands drew across flanks, over soft, slick skin both dark and fair.

Kara didn't know if it was the mist or the lust that clouded her vision more. She was in a daze, delight and desire driving her actions, making her giggle happily as Mari's arms snaked around her waist and pulled her close. The older woman's lips danced over her neck, her throat, peppering kisses as she went.

They had retreated to the locker room - getting busy in the middle of the sparring mat would have pushed their luck far too much. But Kara couldn't complain. The shower stall offered privacy and the heated spray that drenched them both only fueled the fire of their dalliance.

She let Mari pin her to the wall then, cold tile pressing into her back, but warm lips capturing her own. Hands slid up to her breasts, bringing further splendid feeling as fingers sank into soft flesh. Kara let herself be swept away, moaning into Mari's sweet mouth. Tongues came together, dancing, making the blonde's head spin.

Mari broke away gasping. She gave a few more pecks around Kara's mouth, teasing, giggling along with the younger woman as their wet bodies pressed flush together. So close that Kara could feel Mari's heart beating in her chest.

"You wanna know something?" Mari finally spoke, nipping playfully at the blonde's lips.

"Mmm… what?" Kara hummed, letting Mari draw even closer.

"We could have just started out with the fun stuff." Mari admitted, trailing soft kisses along Kara's jaw. Her hands slid around the blonde's waist, slipping between her buttocks and the tile wall. Kara sighed as Mari grabbed handfuls of buttocks, groping freely. "You didn't have to play that game in the sparring room."

Kara cracked a naughty smile then. She sighed again, heavier this time, enjoying Mari touch.


"Oh, yeah. I would never turn down a pretty thing like you." Mari purred, putting her lips to the younger woman's throat again. Kara shivered, her belly coiling with need and heat. The sensation only grew stronger when Mari drew back to look into her eyes, smiling. "It's like you were made to be perfect… from what I see…"

Kara let out a tiny laugh. It was pleasing to know that Mari could see the truth plain as day. Kryptonian blood offered so much more than humans could hope to reach - without help, at least.

"One of the benefits of good genetics." Kara said, sliding her hand up to feel up Mari's breasts in turn. So full they were, delightfully soft against her palm. Bigger than her own, but Kara was not jealous. 

Seeing the lovely dark flesh spill over her pale fingers was a delight she had never before considered. It thrilled her, the clash of their bodies against each other.

"I'll say." Mari agreed. Like Kara, her focus was on the naked body before her eyes - and her gaze was alight with ravenous hunger. "There's a lot for a woman to… appreciate."

Mari attacked Kara's neck again, planting more kisses. They were faster, more desperate than before, base desires unleashed upon the Kryptonian's lush body. The older heroine descended, moving her mouth to Kara's breasts. The blonde let out a gasp, stricken with sensations as Mari's talented mouth went to work upon her bosom, lips and tongue flicking across hard, pink nipples. Sucking upon them, grazing over them with teeth, anything to make the blonde beauty squirm,

It didn't take long for Kara to settle into the pleasure of Mari's affections. She sighed, leaning back against the stall wall as the shower spray continued to drench them both, running her fingers through Mari's soaked locks as the woman kissed, licked, and sucked across her pale tits.

It felt right, having her body worshiped so eagerly. So desperately.

It felt even better once Mari's hand began to travel further down. Down, down, down… between Kara's thighs… fingers sliding up… brushing over the silken gates of her soaked, molten sex.

"Oh… Oooooooh…" Kara moaned, writhing against Mari's mouth, against Mari's hand. "That's… that's very nice… just… a little faster…"

Mari slurped away from one of Kara's breasts, resting her chin on the upper slope.

"You don't like gentle?"

Kara snorted, laughing through the pleasure stroking through her sex.

"You don't need to be gentle with me, remember?" The blonde reminded the older heroine.

Mari got the message. A moment later the light sensation grew stronger as the Vixen began to pump her fingers harder, faster, deeper. Kara's moans grew in volume, rising in pitch, matching the sensation, the feeling brought by those skilled fingers sinking into her cunt.

Kara sucked in tiny gasps, rocking her hips against Mari's hand, trying to wring out just a little more pleasure. Each stroke was like white fire, turning her core into a furnace. Her belly was a twisting knot, only growing tighter and tighter, the pressure building with each stroke of Mari's fingers. Maddening, but oh so delicious.

"God… you're so beautiful…" She heard Mari whisper through the pelting shower.

Kara cracked her eyes open then, seeing the awe in the woman's face. The blonde's heart fluttered. She loved the praise. Perhaps she loved it even more than the pleasure. Especially since it was coming from a supermodel.

"How beautiful?"

Mari leaned in, just barely brushing her lips against Kara's. The blonde craved another kiss, but she let the woman speak, letting her hot breath touch her lips.

"You're one of the cutest… sexiest… loveliest women I've ever met." Mari answered, not slowing her fingers one bit. Making Kara tremble with each word. Her thumb worked in agonizing circles just over her clit. Kara wanted to cry. "You drive me fucking crazy."

"Prettier than any other girl you've ever met, huh?" Kara insisted with a wavering voice. She let out a huff, lips parting as she lurched forward, managing to just barely keep balance. Mari's fingers continued to probe, sinking deeper into her sex. Kara grabbed the woman's wrist, biting her lip as she met her eyes. "Wouldn't… you agree?"

Mari returned the blonde's smile. Her lovely features flashed with deviousness. Through the thick, hot mist, Kara saw Mari's dark eyes burn bright with wild craving.

"God, yes."

Then Mari descended, crouching down to bring her lips even lower than Kara's breasts. Down to the soft lines of her belly. She pressed more kisses there, lips and tongue joining the hot shower spray as it flowed down Kara's naked body. Kissing her flat tummy, kissing her navel, teasing and adoring with each brush of her lips. All while her fingers continued still with their delightful work.

Kara managed a smile despite the feeling of Mari's fingers threatening to overwhelm her senses. They were sweet words being poured for her, praise that made her heart flutter like butterfly wings. It only fueled her desires further. She wanted to hear more.

"What do you like about me? Tell me what makes me better." Kara bit her lip to keep from squealing, almost jumping as Mari clapped her free hand over her ass, taking a handful of soft flesh as her mouth trailed closer and closer to her sex. 

"Fuck…" Mari answered, swiping her tongue at the edge of Kara's belly button. She gave the blonde's ass another squeeze, letting out a pleased hum. "Has to be this perfect body… you're fit, slender… but you've got a killer figure, too… soft hips, full breasts… not too much… just perfect for my mouth."

Mari dipped her fingers as deep as they could go, sliding them into Kara's tight walls. The trembling blonde let out a gasp - nearly shattering the tile wall with a closed fist. But Kara, even in the throes of pleasure, kept a handle on her powers.

"Oh, wow…" The nubile kryptonian huffed, rising onto the tips of her toes, her belly clenching and coiling from the delicious ache rocking through her innards. "Uh… uuuuuhhh… f-fuck!"

To Kara's delight, Mari's praise - and the delight of her fingers - didn't stop there.

"I love your blonde hair… your big blue eyes…" Mari's voice came sweet as honey, dripping from her lips as she pressed gentle kisses to the velvet-soft mound above her pussy. She drew her fingers in and out, coaxing more moans from the blonde, knowing it was torture for the girl to keep control of the volume of her cries. "I love your smooth, white skin. So pretty… so soft…"

Kara may have been enjoying the storm of sensation, but Mari's words still rang clear through her head. The younger heroine blinked, caught off-guard for a moment.

Certainly, throughout this little romp with Vixen, Kara had been leaning into a daring, racial edge. But what Kara had in mind had more to do with her alien heritage, the thrill of being serviced and worshiped by humans and metahumans. But with Mari's words… it was clear the older heroine had picked up an entirely different thread. One that Kara had definitely not intended.

But… Kara had to admit… Mari's angle on things was intriguing.

It was a snap decision, made through the livewire nerves and hot, pumping blood that made Kara's body and mind come alive. Why not explore this new path? Just to see where it would lead.

"My white skin?" Kara cooed, reaching down to cup Mari's chin. Both women were soaked, the shower's steam making their bodies glisten so deliciously. But nothing was so enamoring as the adoration shining in Mari's big, dark eyes. "You like that?"

The Vixen hummed at Kara's touch, pressing her face into the younger woman's hand, kissing at her palm. The woman gave a dreamy smile, bringing her fingers back to a slow, maddening pace. Kara rocked her hips against them, matching the rhythm.

"I do." Mari answered without shame, without hesitation. "Nice and soft. Pale. Like ivory. Like pearls. I love the way you blush, the pink that spreads across your cheeks, your breasts. It's… nice."

Mari peppered her belly with kisses again, drawing her hands from Kara's cunt and ass. Leaving the blonde feeling empty and aching. She drew them both down Kara's naked flanks, over the curve of her supple hips.

"I love the way my hands look against your body." Mari moaned, sounding breathless. It made Kara's belly twist with excitement. "Dark against light. It feels… right."

Kara breathed in, thick, warm air filling her lungs. The hot spray felt so good on her skin, on her breasts. Warm water flowed down her body, tiny streams teasing at her nipples, her cunt as they dribbled down.

"It's a… nice contrast." Kara agreed.

Mari smiled. Desire and hunger written upon her face. Kara wanted it all.

"Sweet cream… sweet chocolate…" Mari purred, both hands moving between Kara's thighs. She inched closer, bringing her face up to the blonde's aching sex, using her thumbs to spread her apart. "We can be sweet together."

It was cute, Kara decided. Strange, but cute. This arousal that Mari felt from playing upon ethnic tension, Kara didn't quite understand it. But she couldn't deny how Mari found it thrilling. And if it would make the woman more willing to Kara's ends, all the better. Mari had a thing for white people, as so called on Earth, so surely she would have some affection for Kal. 

Kara would play along. And perhaps add in her own tastes along the way.

Mari lashed her tongue against Kara's opening. Once. Twice. Stirring the blonde from her thoughts in a most delightful fashion. The young heroine yelped, sucking in a breath as she writhed upon the tile wall. She looked down at the smirking woman between her legs, suddenly wide awake. Her sex ached, the yearning she felt for more so hot and brilliant she thought she was going insane.

"So…" Kara reached down, running her fingers through Mari's hair. "I'm your pretty, white princess?"

"The prettiest." Mari answered, swiping her tongue out again. Slower. It was lovely torture.

"Show me." Kara urged, bringing Mari's mouth to her needy cunt. "Show me how pretty I am."

- - -

Mari drenched her tongue in sweetness, letting the heavy aroma of Kryptonian womanhood fill her nostrils. She pressed her face between the blonde's legs, lapping eagerly at her slick cunt. All the while, hot water rained down, over Mari's face, over Kara's exquisite, pale body.

The older heroine's heart fluttered at that, taking wicked joy in the shock of her dark hands against the creamy swath of Kara's naked belly. 

She had taken a damn big risk playing into her racial kink, but the cute, cheery, innocent Supergirl had surprised Mari yet again. Kara had actually gone with it, much to Mari's delight - and relief. The supermodel shuddered to think of how poorly this evening could have gone if Kara hadn't. It was just Vixen's luck that the Girl of Steel had a naughty side - even naughtier than what Mari had thought.

Mari's heart soared just as it hammered, pumping hot, frothing blood to every inch of her body. She was alive with excitement, nerves wild and pulsing. Every lap of her tongue against Kara's soaking wet cunt lifted her higher and higher, drawing her further into the haze of joy and pleasure. Her own cunt ached, her belly tightening with need. She dropped a hand down to tend to herself, moaning like a wanton whore against Kara's sex.

She drew back some, letting the water pelt her face. Through the steam, she admired the lush beauty of Kara's body - the blonde's sweet face flushed and twisted in pleasure, her modest breasts heaving with every breath, hard nipples stiffened into cute nubs. She admired the girl's flat tummy, muscled shifting faintly beneath smooth, rosy skin. And lower, that beautiful pink, so delicious upon Mari's tongue.

Mari yearned for another taste. She used her free hand to spread Kara apart, fixing her gaze on the sight of pink petals blooming. The clit rested above, a pretty little thing, begging for Mari's flicking tongue. But for the moment, the elder heroine wanted to speak.

"You've got such a nice pussy…" The Vixen purred, drawing her fingers slowly through those pink, silken folds. Water and honey ran together, both warm as fire. "So soft and wet… pink and pretty… you're so sweet to let me have a taste…"

With that, Mari buried her face once more between Kara's thighs. Her tongue returned to its delicious duty, stroking, lapping up juice and dribbling water, swallowing it down.

Kara writhed against the tile wall, shivering with each roll of Mari's tongue. All the while, music spilled from her lips, rising just above the spattering of the shower. 

Listening to the blonde's lovely, desperate moans was like a dream. How many others would ever get the chance that Mari was getting right then? 

"Oh! Ooooh! Rao! Yes! That's it!" Kara cried, whimpering as she bucked her hips against Mari's working mouth.

Thankfully, Kara was not too loud. She was young, not stupid. Both had to be mindful - The Watchtower was not a public place, but it wasn't empty either. And with Kryptonian super-hearing… 

Well, Mari just had to hope the Man of Steel was focused on more important things.

In the meantime, Mari loved how vocal Kara was. Proof of her talent, proof that it was indeed her tongue drawing such splendid cries from the blonde's mouth. It made her blood, her body sing in turn, her veins thrumming with joy, excitement. Mari wanted to do more than just good work. She wanted to impress. For a woman as gorgeous as Kara, Mari wanted to serve.

"So this is what you like, huh? You like eating my pretty, white pussy?" Kara hissed through a sneer - wrought with pleasure rather than anger. She ran her fingers through Mari's short hair… then took a handful, forcing the older woman's face flush against her cunt.

Mari let out a whorish moan, pitifully lapping her tongue even faster at the younger blonde's behest. It was degrading… yet Mari's heart jumped at the rough treatment. A wicked thrill lashed through her innards, striking up white hot fire in the pit of her belly.

Kara hissed again, tossing her head back in pleasure as she rolled her groin against the supermodel's talented, dutiful mouth. For both, it was heaven. Twisted yet divine.

The blonde huffed, letting out a tired, shaky laugh. She looked down, meeting Mari's glazed eyes.

"It's not just white, though. You know that, right?" Kara started again, grunting as she bucked her hips. Mari listened, but kept working her tongue. Enjoying the taste… and the way the younger heroine shivered in response. "This perfect little cunt… is Kryptonian. N-nev… never forget that. Are you hearing me?"

Kara tugged Mari's head back. The supermodel gasped, shocked for a moment at how effortlessly the blonde had done it. But the younger woman's words rang true. 

She was not just any girl. She was Supergirl. The cute, not-so-innocent blonde was of Kryptonian blood. Stronger, faster, prettier… better than humans. Mari understood that now. 

"Kryptonian… cunt…" Mari slurred, half-drunk on the nectar she'd been lapping up.

A sweet, wicked smile spread across Kara's lovely face.

"That's right. How else would my pussy be so soft… so sweet… so perfect? It's like I told you. Good genetics. The best in the cosmos."

Mari wore a dazed smile of her own, giggling. 

"Fuck yes." She sighed. 

"Look how easy it was to get you on your knees. It feels good to serve, doesn't it?" Kara continued, her voice pouring like honey. 

Mari hung on every word. It was more than just living out her kink now. It was… a compulsion. A need.

Kara brought Mari's face back to her cunt as she spoke, leaving the older heroine with no choice but to obey. It was the choice Mari would make a thousand times over.

Kara's hand on her head didn't just feel good. It felt right. Crouched down, with her face inches from the sweetest little pussy she'd ever tasted… Mari McCabe didn't want to be anywhere else. With maybe one, very special exception.

And just then, as if the heavens decreed it, Kara spoke the magical words.

"Right there! Oh, fuck! Rao, I know Kal would just love to spend some time with you."

Mari's heart jumped again, thinking of the Man of Steel. This time not as an obstacle, but as a prospect. A thrill lashed through her belly again, worming between the pleasure and the heat. Visions flashed through Mari's mind, images of Big Blue and his perfect masculine beauty. The finest specimen of manhood wasn't even from this planet. The Last Son of Krypton had once been the man of Mari's dreams - and the same could be said for half of the Justice League's female roster. 

Kara caught Mari's interest. And her brilliant blue eyes flashed with interest in turn.

"Would you like that?" Kara pressed, smirking. She drew Mari's lips from her cunt so she could answer.

"Yes!" Mari rasped, her slick lips washed clean by the steamy shower. Warm water dribbled over her face. She gave a dreamy smile, giggling. "God, yes, I would!"

Kara pursed her lips as if in thought, fingers stroking gently through Mari's hair.

"Well then… tell you what. You be a good servant and make me cum… and I'll make something happen." Kara reached down with her free hand, playing with herself. Pale, slender fingers sliding through pink petals. She hummed as she teased at the folds, running her digits slowly, up and down. "I know you'll love to put this talented mouth of yours to work on Kal's big… white… Kryptonian cock. Wouldn't you?"

"God, yes." Mari whined, her pussy aching at the thought. Her mouth watered - not just from the shower or from Kara's taste lingering on her tongue. She imagined she was on her knees for Superman, for Kal instead. Looking up at his towering, magnificent body. She imagined how it would look, that fat, juicy, white dick hovering right over her face. 

Supergirl's pussy was sweet indeed. But Superman's cock…?

Mari needed it. Fuck, she needed it.

And Kara knew it.

The blonde looked pleased with Mari's answer. She regarded the woman below her with a smirk… then shoved her face back between her thighs. Back to work. Back to service.

Mari obeyed. And obeyed. And obeyed. Until the Supergirl began to come undone.

Kara moaned and whimpered and cried, cursing in alien tongue up at the ceiling - while still managing the volume of her cries, much to Mari's relief. And the superheroine-turned-loveslave worked her mouth, her tongue, lashing and licking until it was sore. Tasting of the sweetness Kara offered, drinking down the nectar of Kryptonian womanhood. Swallowing it down desperately. Greedily. Lapping and lapping until finally the blonde was a trembling mess, jerking her hips against Mari's face in wild desperation.

Then came the rush. A wild wail that petered out into a soft whimper, Kara nearly doubling over right there in the stall. By the end, the blonde was left in a gasping, panting fit, leaning back against the wall of the shower stall. Mari was left drenched, though she couldn't tell if by the shower or by Kara herself. In the end, it didn't matter. All was washed away by the shower spray, down the drain in moments. Leaving the two women with nothing but the lingering ghosts of pleasure.

Kara was the first to speak, suddenly back in the role of the cheery, young blonde.

"Wow…" She huffed, resting one hand over her chest. Mari rose on shaky legs, her eyes drawn to how the younger girl's breasts rose and fell as she breathed. With her other hand, Kara wiped at the remnants of her pleasure dribbling down her inner thighs. She let out a breathless giggle. "What a mess. Good thing we're in the shower, huh?"

Mari snorted, wiping her lips with the back of her hand. She fell back against the opposite wall, cold tile pressing against her naked back.

"How… would you rate… my performance?"

"Pass with flying colors." Kara answered to Mari's silent delight. A wicked glint in her tired eyes followed. "Now I know why they call you Vixen."

Kara pushed off the wall then, taking slow steps towards Mari. The shower continued to run. Steam clouded around them both as the blonde closed the short distance. 

Naked breasts pressing together. Their faces were inches apart. Kara reached up, gently stroking Mari's cheek. The blonde bit her lip.

"Kal is going to love you. And your mouth." She cooed. Filthy words spoken with such sweetness. Mari's heart fluttered… and her belly coiled.

"I'm already looking forward to it." Mari breathed, just barely brushing her lips against Kara's. "Just don't make me wait too long."

Kara smiled and gave her a long kiss. Then a shorter one, pecking the corner of her mouth.

"Oh, believe me…" Kara spoke softly, nuzzling into Mari's neck. "I want Kal to get a taste of you as soon as possible. You're just the kind of woman we need."