Three year's

Next day.

Feeling the earth around them everyone woke up.

Looking at the walls which were vibrating everyone was scared because more earthquake mean there will be more beast's.

Thinking like this everyone started to look outside the window.

There were beast's who were tearing thing's down.

Few beast's seem to see them as they started running towards the mall.

Xiao wu " everyone Run!"

Panic started to occur in the mall.

Everyone ran outside the room after reaching outside they saw a truck!

Xiao wu " does anyone have the keys of this truck!?"

hearing her a old man came Infront.

" I have!"

" Okay old man hurry up and drive and get us out of here!"

Hearing this the old man got on the driver seat as everyone sat at the back container of truck.

Liu yin sat in the container as the old man started the truck.

" Why are there so many beast's!? I know there will be beast's as soldiers but there shouldn't be so many right?!"

Liu dong who was on side heard her phone rang.

" Hello dong'er we are coming to you there is a small military group with us keep your phone on ok?!"

Hearing the voice on phone everyone in truck who heard this were happy because it means the military will be arriving at their place!

Liu dong " okay dad !"

After that she hung up.

Just when everyone was happy an earthquake came again as the road behind them had a giant crack.

Looking at this crack everyone was shocked as the old man accelerated the truck many beast's came from the cracks!.

Looking at the beast's coming out from cracks they were shock after all they didn't know how earthquake was related to beast's!

" Is this a dream?!"

" How are they coming out of cracks!?"

" Is this a Kaiju movie or something!?"

Liu yin looked at this he was shocked after all from this crack hundred of beast's were coming if not thousand!

Liu yin seeing this was scared as well others.

" Old man make it go faster!"

" No I don't want to die!"

" Anyone help us !"

Xiao wu who knew that liu yin was a Cultivater wanted to ask him for help but looking at liu yin face which was filled with fear she couldn't bring herself to say anything!

Liu yin was so sacred as he opened the system in hope he would have something to protect himself! Liu yin spoke but his voice was suppressed by the Roars of beast's.


Looking at the familiar screen he started to type.

[ Item: stick

Function 1 : it will teleport all people in 4 meters to a safe place!]

[ Required: 80 thousand points to create

Yes or No]

After that he pressed the create key.

A stick appeared in His hand as he looked at everything who was around him.

Then he looked at him hands holding a stick.

Without hesitation he broke the stick in two piece.

A beem of light came as everyone looked at it it blinded everyone eyes.

Liu yin opened his eyes he saw that he was on a bed looking around he was wearing a white cloth over his body.

"Where am I ?!"

" Was I not just teleporting by breaking the stick to break?"

When he was talking to himself the door opned as a few men came inside.

Before he could say anything all three of them started to cry.

" Ancestor you are out of coma!"

Hearing the grown men calling him ancestor he was shocked since he didn't even knew them and now he is a six year old even if he wants to harm a women his body can support it!

"Who are you why are you calling me ancestry!?"

One of the leading men spoke he was well built and had commen black hair and eye's.

" Ancestor what do you remember before of before waking up?"

Looking at this man who became serious liu yin be an a little nervous.

" I only remembered that there was light"

" Ancestor actually you had a tool which was suppose to teleport you and people who are in a certain distance in a safe place but since you broke it you were indeed teleported to safe place but for some reason because of a accident the energy which the snake king was trying to bring back mutated and it became a new energy calling Mana !"

"And this power was easier to use and it gave the demon Beasts long lifespan and even though it gave humans a huge power but it didn't give us more life!"

" I understand a little bit so you are telling because of my teleportation there was a phenomenal event as a energy named Mana came and it gave humans to fight against demons beast's?"

"So I am now known as a Ancestor by all humans?"

" No there are only 80 present of super humans who treat you as their ancestry and of the total popular there is only 5 percent of people who awakened super power and the number is increasing every day!"

" How long have I been in coma ?"

" Ancestor you have been in coma for 3 year's..."

"Three year's!?"

Liu yin was shoked but he asked" what about my sister?"

At this their faces became weird

" Ancestor your sister is fine but there is a guy who has been pewter her saying that you told him to protect her and that you will fall in coma and if you don't waking up for 4 year's your sister and he will marry That's the reason that we cried when we saw you awake!"

" Ancestor that guy is a scumbag he is using the money we gave him for going to have sex with different women every day but since he is the person you trust we can only give him everything..."

" What nonsense are you spouting! I have never told anyone that I will be in a coma!?"

" Show me his picture who you are talking about!"

Seeing him angry the men Infront gave him the pic

Looking at it he was shocked the person which everyone think I trust is that pervert in class!!

"This person is just a pervert in my sister class I have never even talked to him!"

" Then why did your sister say that he might be saying truth?"

Hearing this he fell in thought seeing him thinking none of the three spoke.

' could it be that she thought that I had made a good relation with that pervert I did stare at him in cafeteria for some white did she see me staring and thought I was on good terms?'

" Okay you don't need to know why she said this just stop giving him anything you are giving him because of me and make him no longer have contact my sister! can you do that for me ?"

" Okay Ancestor I will do whatever you say after all if it weren't for you there would have been no one who would gain superpower you don't know how much everyone appreciate you!"