Chapter 11 - Luna Lily


Thomas and I walked down the stairs together, Thomas chatting happily beside me, clearly trying to distract me. I guess he could sense the tension in me.

"You will be fine Cassie, trust in our Luna, she only wants to help, and so does the Alpha, and you have me now. I'm not just a guard, I'm your friend and I won't let sh!t go bad." He says before we reach the ground floor. He speaks quietly so as not to be overheard and then, without waiting for my reply, he continues on down the stairs.

When we get to the door of the office, we pause and Thomas knocks.

"Come," calls a soft voice, the door is ajar and Thomas reaches out to push it open further for me.

"Thank you", I said gently, hoping he knew I meant more than escorting me. The last 24 hours have been the best in a long time and it is all thanks to him.