Chapter 36 - Besties


Once I finally manage to get Jase out of the cabin I turn to the girl and beam at her, she shrinks back away from me and I deflate a little, is she scared of me? I slowly take a step towards her showing her my hands as though she were a feral beast, and I perch on the edge of the armchair facing her. When I sit she seems to relax a little, guess she isn't a hugger, maybe my entrance was a bit too much for her. But I couldn't stop myself, hearing her story through the door broke my heart, to have gone through all of that in such a short space of time, most of the women I know would be rocking in a corner after that.

So I sit and try not to fidget too much, hoping that by being calm I can help her calm down a bit.

"So, in case you missed it, I'm Daisy," I say, hoping she will give me her name.

"Cassie," she whispers, still hugging her knees, but she is making eye contact so we are getting there.