Chapter 43 - Sidetracked


She wants me to reject her? How can someone who doesn't want me kiss me the way she just did? 

I call Jason back, he knows her best out of all of us, he has a bond with her the same as me, if anyone can get to the bottom of this it is him. 

It takes me about the time it takes for my Gamma to go fight my battles for me to realize what happened. She thinks she is unworthy, she can't see herself the way we all see her. She has only been here a matter of days and she already has the Gamma and the Beta's sister in love with her. This all hits me like a blow to the chest as the realization dawns on me. Now that I have dispatched Jason to fetch my woman, I call on Daisy, this is gonna need a woman's touch and as someone who loves her, I need Daisy's input. Daisy blows into my office like a whirlwind, as per usual, grinning from ear to ear.