Chapter 45 - Shopping with Daisy.


It is official, Daisy is crazy. Goddess that girl can shop! We had been at the mall for 4 hours when I cried mercy and ducked into a cafe to rest my poor feet. 4 hours, 10 shops and dozens of bags. Poor Jason has been tasked with carrying the shopping while Daisy dragged me from store to store, trying on some things and simply bagging others. She wouldn't let me look at the price tags, if my eyes lingered on an item she bagged it. In the first store she had me try on different styles to determine my size and what complimented my figure, after that I was only forced to try things on a couple of times. I was also not allowed to stand at the till with her so I have no idea how much any of this was. She finally gave me a break and sent me to the cafe where I gratefully fell into a booth and Jason, smirking slightly, slid in opposite me.


"Urgh what?" I ask exhaustedly.

"Where did Daisy go now?"