Chapter 49 - Better and better.


I'm never alone, Jack is with me constantly, he won't leave my side unless I go to the bathroom, but even then he hovers right outside the door. We have been talking loads, learning more about each other, it has been nice, he seems to genuinely care for his pack and our bond is solidifying more and more each day. His Beta, Dave brings by any paperwork that needs to be handled by him directly and Jason and Daisy also visit for hours at a time. Daisy is awesome, so full of life, quick to laugh and a great source of entertainment. She is especially hilarious when her twin pops by with his files, ribbing him and busting his balls until he is as red as their hair with mortification. I regularly end up with an ache in my ribs from suppressing giggles. Jack and Jason seem used to it so I'm assuming this is a common occurrence.