Chapter 59 - A better reunion.


It has been about an hour since my 'lesson', I have a small clue as to what happened but I didn't see a thing, Lexi pulled herself forward in my body, she tells me it is because I have suffered enough at his hands and she will protect me from further harm, I didn't even know that was possible, that she could now control my human form but she explains to me that she can only control my senses, sight, sound, you get the idea, so she watched the lesson. She has been very quiet ever since, all I saw was Maddie limping from the room and Ace laying on the bed with a smirk on his face.

"You will fare better, you were built for my desires, Maddie tries but she isn't built to be my toy the way you are," bile rises in my throat at her condition, but I don't speak, I pretend to be indifferent to her plight, I should be after all she has done to me, but pity for her wells up inside me and I have to look away.