Chapter 67 - Ace’s Plan


"Maddie, what the hell are you doing here? Why are you barging into my office at a time like this?" I am disgusted with her behaviour. 

"OUT!" she screams at the 2 men I have with me, "GET OUT!!!" She looks deranged. My men glance at me and I discreetly nod my head.

"Wait nearby," I tell them, "We still have things to discuss." They lower their heads to me and they throw side glances at Maddie, who they have never seen lose her cool before they depart, as they close the door softly, behind themselves.

"What the actual fuck Maddie? What is the matter with you?" I am livid, I can barely hold back from striking her, but a slither of concern works its way down my spine as I take in her dishevelled appearance, her pale skin, her shaking hands.