Chapter 73 - Wheels in motion

Jack -

"Dave is fine, no need for formalities here Mark," Dave replied grinning now that we have a tentative plan in place, we may not find them this time, but we will have a better idea of where they are hiding and this is a good start.

"Right, so now that that is settled lets go over some specifics of what we need from this trip, then you two are free to carry on with your day." I slap my hands together and rub them eagerly, sure that we are on the right path to catch this prick and we can all finally settle into 'normalcy'.


Daisy, Tara and I talked for another hour, Daisy told us everything she knew, which was pretty much everything Dave knew. Apparently though busy, the two of them sit together in private for a couple of hours each day trying to solve this conundrum.