Skyler kicks open the door to the gym, he rushes up behind Jack, his hand clenched in a fist. You can see the white of his knuckles as he pulls back. Jack turns just in time to dodge the punch.

"What the fuck are you doing, Skyler?" He asks.

Skyler tries to get to Jack once again as the rest of the team flood the gym to stop him. Amongst them is Jay, a friend and teammate. Skyler manages to grab ahold of Jack's gown, ripping it apart from him.

"COME HERE, BITCH!" He yells.

Jay wraps his arm around Skyler, pulling him from the gym. He drags him outside, as Skyler tries to pull away with all his mite.


Jay, pulls him out the door, cornering him. Jay places his hands on Skylers shoulders. Both of their breaths quicken, Jay pats him gently.

"What just happened?" He asks

Skyler, still breathing heavy places both hands on the wall, bashing it repeatedly. Suddenly, Quinn runs up, she jumps between Jay and Skyler,

"Stop, please. Talk to me." She says

Jay, completely confused doesn't know which way to look. Jay is seen as the dad of the group, or the responsible one as he likes to say. Good grades, good performance on the court and a leader in a lot of rookies eyes.

Jay places his hands on his head, scratching it. He doesn't understand why Skyler suddenly had an outburst of anger, it isn't like him at all. He's normally calm.

"You both make me want to smoke," he says.

Skyler pushes past Quinn, his anger supersedes anything else he could possibly feel right now. For him, Quinn was everything, they had maped out the perfect life together. He rips off his gown, throwing it to the concrete.

"Fuck graduation" he continues, "And fuck all of you. I don't need any of you."

Skyler kicks his gown one more time before leaving the campus. Jay enters the gym to find Jack being held back by the rest of the team. He is on complete shock, seeing, what he considers his two best friends fighting is so out of character.

Cole comes out from the bathroom, everyone stops and stares at him. His look of confusion stifles everyone.

"The fuck did I miss?" He asks.

Jack shrugs off his teammates, "I'm fucking calm, get off me."

Quinn enters the gym, she see's Jack's graduation gown ripped up on the floor. She looks at him, her shaking. Jack smiles and shrugs his shoulders. Jay suddenly realises what has happened. He shakes his head in disapproval, walking past her. He turns his eyebrows down, disgusted at the both of them.

"Yeah, go run and check on poor Skyler," says Jack.

Jay turns quickly, making his way back to Jack,

"Fuck you, I've had your back for six years" he continues, "But this, this is wrong, Jack."

Jay can't bare the sight of either one of those two, his best bet is to get out of the gym, before he explodes. Jack stares at Quinn, he approaches her. He reaches for her hand as she pulls away. She once again shakes her head before turning and leaving Jack in the gym.

Skyler sits in his chair as the principal gives his speech about the class of 2023. Both himself and Jack sit with tattered gowns. Quinn beside him. She looks at him for the majority of the ceremony. Skyler, not interested in making a mense pretends she isn't there.

He fights to hold back tears. Jay looks on, sitting to his right. He places his hand on his shoulder to calm him down. The speech ends as the class of 2023 celebrate finally graduating.

Skyler stands up, removes his gown and drops it on the chair as he stares at Quinn. Her eyes water knowing this will be the final time she see's him.

"Skyler, please"

"No, Quinn. It's done." He says.

Skyler reaches his car, he pulls open the door when he is tapped on the shoulder. He turns to see Jay and Cole. He nods, letting them know he doesn't blame either of them.

"You good?" Asks Jay.

Skyler smiles, "I'll get there, eventually."

"You look after yourself" says Jay.

"Always" replies Skyler.