Quinn turns, rushing up the long staircase to the next level. Jack grabs an empty vase from the reception desk. The figure moves closer, slowly. Jack tries to stand his ground. He turns to see Quinn. She is beckoning him up the steps.

Jack takes a quick look at the figure and decides to rush to Quinn. She takes his free hand, and they run down the corridor. The assailant is quick behind them. They sprint up the stairs, making haste. Jack turns back, throwing the vase at them.

"Man, fuck you" he says.

The vase hits them in the head, slowing them down for a fraction, and then they give chase again.

Jack rushed to the room they were at before. He goes shoulder first through the door. Quinn follows quickly behind him, closing the door and locking from the inside.

She grabs Jack to his feet. They both stare at the door. The assailant continues to kick the door with all their strength. Quinn backs away in fear, her hand over her mouth as she drops to the wooden floor.

Jack scans the room, trying to find a weapon to fight back with. All he can see is books, just a sea of books. It's nothing useful to fight someone with a serrated knife. Jack looks at Quinn on the floor. He rushes to pick her up.

"Quinn, come on. Please," he begs.

She rises to her feat, wiping the tears from her eyes.

The door is still banging on the other side. Quinn scans the balcony for an exit. She points at the window.

"Jack, look. It's open," she says.

Suddenly, the door stops banging. They both stare at it, uncertain. Jack approaches the door slowly. He takes small, quiet steps so as not to alert anyone. He puts his ear to the door.

"Can someone let me in, please?" Asks Skyler.

Jack quickly opens the door, grabbing Skyler by his jacket. He throws him up against the wall, with his forearm on Skylers throat.

"Where the fuck did you go?" Exclaims Jack.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Asks Skyler.

Jack drives his forearm deeper into Skyler's throat. Quinn quickly rushes, pulling Jack from him. Jack looks at her in shock.

"What the hell are you doing, Quinn?" Asks Jack.

"It isn't him," she replies.

Skyler rubs his throat. He stares down Jack. The two almost nose to nose before Quinn manages to separate them once again.

"This isn't helping us," says Quinn.

Jack raises his arms above his head, moving to the other side of the table. He slams his hand down aggressively. Quinn jumps a little. Skyler approaches the opposite side. He stares down Jack once again.

"You think it's me, don't you?" He says.

Jack opens his arms wide, tilting his head. Skyler shakes his head, disgusted.

"Fuck you, Jack" Sklyer continues, "I'm out of here."

Skyler opens the door as Quinn pulls his arm back. She looks at him scared. She shakes her head, visually begging him not to leave. He closes the door slowly as he decides to stay.

"Fine, I'll stay," he continues, "but we need to trust each other, Jack."

"For now," replies Jack.

The three of them wait in the room for the rest of the group to come back. Jack climbs the ladder to the balcony, checking out that window from before. He looks out, and it's a straight drop to the concrete.

"Not a fucking hope" says Jack.

He looks down at Skyler and Quinn as they sit at the table. They seem to be getting closer, well, at least they're speaking.

Skylers phone suddenly rings.

"Hello?" He says.

"Hello, Skyler," says the voice.

Skyler stands up, he places his phone onto the table, and puts the phone on loud speakers.

"I'm coming to get you all," they continue, "and I can't wait."

The dial tone plays. Skyler looks up at Jack.

"Still think it's me?" He asks.

Jack shakes his head. He climbs down the ladder, rejoining the two of them at the table. Jack grabs ahold of Quinn's hand, kissing it softly.

Suddenly, there is another loud bang at the door.

"Who's there?" Asks Quinn.