break down

Following their breakup, Aaron was at a complete loss and didn't know what to do. He couldn't stop thinking about her and tried to talk to her repeatedly, saying "I'm sorry," but nothing seemed to work. Then, he asked himself, "If everything is going to be destroyed, what is the point of me saving?" and tried again.

being repeatedly disrespected by the person who loved him the most

broke his ego, his hope, all of his emotions, and he wasn't even sure what he was doing.

But then he couldn't drop a single tear within he was crying but outside a single bit of tear wasn't flowing out

Getting disrespect again and again by the person who loved him most

Broke his ego his hope his every single emotions he even doesn't know what he was doing

But then he couldn't shed a single tear inside he was crying but outside a single piece of tear wasn't coming out

He then tried to do everything to distract himself he thought he should massage other girls inorder to forget her but something inside him didn't let him do it and after suffering all this he began to become the person who he once hated he came home late he would curse but still till this moment he hasn't touched the cigrate but after few days he was hanging with his friends whom he became close recently then day after day he became more and more sad then one day he decided to burn an wooden ornament on which his and noa's name was written he went with his friends far from the place he lives and burnt it

While burning his friends started to light a cigrate

Aaron:bro give me one

While burning he was having flashbacks of all the memories he couldn't hold himself

But his friend tried to stop him but he couldn't

Aaron: just give it one wouldn't hurt

And the he light his cigrate from the ornament which was burning (this scene was cold to be honest 🥶)

And that was the first time in his entire life he smoked