" HOME "

" Lan zhan ! " ....

Wei ying pout and said worriedly....

" Hmmm " lan Wangi stopped and hummed looking at wei Ying's worried face ...

" We left my apple behind " he whine but lan Wangi only smile at his cuteness and said ...

" Gaurds will bring him " ...

They again start walking after he assured that gaurds will bring apple ..... Not so long both reached to wooden house.... Where they lived before ... Where Wangi's mother lived before ....

Wei ying look at house with so many emotions and look at lan Wangi who pull him in the house and turned to him with a small happy gentle smile ....

" Welcome Back Home Wei Ying " Wei ying frozed on his place after hearing What he said ...

" H,home " he said unbelievably almost like a whisper.....

Lan Wangi look in his hasitated eyes ...

He knows that The word home is like a dream for wei Ying....

After all he knows everything that happens to his soulmate...

Lan Wangi moved and hold wei Ying's face in his both hands . Both look in each other eyes . .... Wei ying hold lan Wangi's hand on his face .... Lan Wangi joined thier forehead together and said with closed eyes ...

" Yes home " .....

" Your home " .....

" My home " .....

" Our Home " ...

The words shocked wei Ying to core . His breath stuck in his chest and his eyes overflow with tears ... Lan Wangi back away and Wipe the tears before kissing wei Ying's forehand....

Wei ying close his eyes and take a very deep breath feeling soft caring lips on his forehead.....

After a blessfull moment lan Wangi back away and look at wei ying. Who immediately hug him without saying anything both enjoyed each other's warmth for hours ....

" Wei ying " lan Wangi whisper holding wei Ying close to his chest . After The blessfull hug both sit near the window. Wei ying lean on lan Wangi's shoulder and lan Wangi hold his waist securely and start admiring the beautiful half black sky ....

" Say lan zhan " ..... He said and hold lan Wangi's hand which were on his belly ....

" Wei ying.... ! ... You will gonna live here for entire life .....

It's your house ....

You don't need to live anywhere else except our house .....

You don't have to feel that you have no house .....

It's your house wei Ying....

Not Yunmeng...

Not burial mounds.....

If anyone ask you .... Where are live ... Where's your house and who's your family " .....

He turn wei Ying's face and hold it softly ...caressing it softly.... Looking direct in his eyes ..

" What should I tell them " wei Ying voice his question....

" Tell them Gusu is your clan .... Your home is this .... Tell them you have me , lan sizhui , wen Ning , brother xichen ..... Tell them you are mine soulmate.... A respectable and brave cultivator Yilling patriarch Wei wuxin had a home in Gusu with Lan Wangi " ...

Wei Ying look in lan Wangi's eyes with his numb eyes but he didn't shed any tears cause he don't want to ruin this beautiful moment ...

Wei ying smile and hug lan Wangi who held him securely....

" This is my home ....

Wei wuxin's house ....

Our house ....

Lan Wangi and wei wuxin's house ...."

" But lan zhan " .... he stopped and sit straight in lan Wangi's arms ....

" Hmm " ....

" My home is You wherever you are is my home " wei Ying confessed sincerely making lan Wangi's heart flutter....

He lean and plant a soft kiss on wei Ying's forehead ... Who welcome this warmth with open heart ....

" But lan zhan I am hungry " wei ying immediately complain after backing away with a pout ...

" I didn't had anything from morning now I have to fill my stomach" ...

" Hmm I already told servents to prepare food you liked when I left to take you home when I sense your presence at Gusu mountain " .....

" Really is it seriously my favorite food not that yuky blaind soup " he asked hopefully with cute doe eyes making lan Wang chuckles and nodded with a small smile ...

" Yeahhhhhh then what are we waiting let's go I want to eat fast fast " wei ying jump in excitement pulling lan Wangi who shook his head and made him stand still ...

" don't be anxious wei Ying food is coming " ....

" Huh are w,we " ....

Thakkkk thakkk ....

Wei ying got intruped by a nock on door.

" Bring in " lan Wangi ordered in his cold voice..... hearing cold command servents immediately open door and put the food on table decently..... Wei ying immediately sit beside table looking at so many dishes ..he rub his hands excitedly .....

" Wowwww so many food " ....

Lan Wangi smile at him shocking servents but they look down immediately not wanted to get striked.

" Your highness ! ... " A servent bowed on his knees ...

" Hmmm " lan Wangi look at him Coldly sitting with wei Ying who is devouring food fastly making lan Wangi frown ...

" Wei ying eat slow " ....

" You will choke _ ...

He instructed him strictly but wei ying grins and start eating calmly . Lan Wangi turn anf servent start speaking....

" Your highness, clan leader Lan Yichen asked for your presence in court after dinner " .....

" Is it important " ....

" No your highness! ,,,, just some daily routine cases " ....

" Hmm told brother I will join tomorrow morning -...

Master wei is here so will be busy ..."

" Yes your highness" servents bowed and left immediately....

" Lan zhan you should had go what if it's an important work .. As you know you are emperor" ...

" Wei ying don't speak while eating " lan Wangi ignore his sentence and scold him who start eating with a pout.....