
After playing around with Jin ling, jingyi and ayuan he got tired . He plopped himself on lan wangi's lap who was reading the scrolls and hug him waist while reading it. Wei wuxin sigh and nuzzle in his neck and slept off basking in sandalwood phenomenons.

Lan wangi smile looking down at his chest and plant a small kiss on his pouty lips who lick his lips in sleep making him chuckles.He carry him back to thier bed and lay down him there walking towards kitchen to make thier dinner . Wei wuxin woke with a pain in his stomach and whine rubbing it . He shrugged it off maybe because he is hungry. He wash up the moment lan wangi settled thier dinner and set down . Wei wuxin came and set on his lap both eat their dinner. Lan wangi was watching wei ying uncomfortably moving on his lap holding his stomach wait for thier dinner to finish . He turned wei ying who has an frown on his forehead.

" What happened " ....

Wei ying smile painfully and shook his head . The pain was getting immense and was hard for him to speak . Seeing his tearful eyes and painfully frown lan wangi carry him to bed who curl up holding his stomach sobbing biting his lips .

" Wei ying calm down I am calling physician"

He immediately walked to door but stopped seeing lan xichen walking there with Ayuan .

" Ayuan bring the physician fast . Wei ying is hurt" Ayuan immediately walked away and lan xichen walked in with lan wangi worriedly.

" L,lan z,zhan h,hurts " wei ying cried holding his stomach whimpering in pain. Lan wangi immediately set beside him holding him who snuggle in his stomach whimpering. Lan xichen sigh in worriedness.

Soon everyone was there . Lan wangi, lan xichen , jingyi , ayuan , Jin ling and Jiang Cheng was outside waiting for the doctor who was examining wei ying.

Lan wangi was pacing back and forth worriedly . Xichen put his hand on his shoulder.

" Don't worry he will be fine "

Lan wangi nodded and look at the close door. After sometime doctor's apprentice came outside and all went inside . Lan wangi immediately set beside sleeping pale wei ying holding his hand . Doctor bowed and back away a little.

" Your highness, his highness doesn't had a golden core and his body is consuming to much spiritual energy for move around. He is so much weak like a ill person. Did his highness practice sword or run around " he asked seriously. But it was ayuan who spoke.

" Yes senior play with us for many hours running around hills and house. He felt dizzy for sometime we told him to rest he said he is just tired because he was playing after a long time then when he feel so much tired he left for jingshi "....

Lan wangi close his eyes tightly his baby is so careless.

" I advise you all don't let him 20 minutes. No running, playing, lifting weight or stressing. If he did it again he can't save him anymore even he has spiritual energy beside not having a core . Transfer spiritual energy time to time to him ."

Lan wangi's heart dropped hearing the doctor he dismissed all of them and slide down with wei ying who unconsciously snuggle in his chest. Lan wangi kissed his head and think about something seriously.

" Ummm " next day wei ying woke up and tried to sit but whimper in pain holding his stomach. Lan wangi who was meditating immediately walked to him . He sit beside him and hug him .

" Did it hurt "

" Y,yes lan zhan why h,hurts " he asked snuggling his chest. Lan wangi rub his back softly and kissed his head .

" Have to cultivate core " he said caressing his cheeks . Wei wuxin look at him and sigh .

" I am hungry " he pouted showing his puppy eyes . Lan wangi smile and carry him to get fresh after that he fed him breakfast himself.

Everyone came when wei ying was whining while drinking medicine.

" Lan zhan it's enough. It's bitter"

" Have to drink wei ying is sick "

" Ahhhh " wei ying pout and drink it whole in one go and make a puke face . Everyone hold thier laugh looking at the drama king .

" How are you axian " lan xichen asked taking their attention.They came near to him.

" Fine just have a pain in stomach . Feels weak " .

Lan wangi transfer spiritual energy to him and when he slept off again he went to court for work leaving Jiang Cheng and other to look after him . Now he had to find something for wei ying to get better soon . He can't see his love with lot's of pain .

After researching everything what he want to know lan wangi returned to jingshi just to get a pouty wei ying. He walked in and everyone retreated from there .

" Lan zhan where were you I missed you" his voice muffled against sturdy chest . Lan wangi caress his back and peck his soft lips.

" Sorry to make you wait are you hungry . "

" No I want cuddles" he shook his head and snuggle more in his chest. Lan wangi chuckles and layed down with him to cuddles. Wei ying snuggle in his neck and clench on his robe tightly. He was in extreme pain even after taking medicine the only thing that can make him him forget his pain is his lovers embrace his scent. Lan wangi transfer spiritual energy while patting his back and soon wei ying slept .....

" Don't worry wei ying . I found your cure we will leave tomorrow for your cure . Then you will be healthy as before and more strong,.Lan wangi Love you so much " he kiss his nose and close his eyes .

Today no one ate their dinner maybe it was suffocating atmosphere that lead them to slept early ....

" Will my brother be okay . He was so much in pain " Jiang spoke worriedly to lan xichen. They were strolling around the gusu because it was lan xichen to gaurd so Jiang Cheng tang along.

" Lan wangi told me he will be okay don't worry " ....

" If you say so " ...