
" Lan zhaaaaannn " Wei ying shout irritatingly making Deciple flinched and scared. Actually things happen like that....

Wei wuxin woke up then bid his husband farewell who went to an important meeting and after strolling around the clan . He feels bored and hungry. So he directly went to kitchen and from them they were making him food but every dish they present was not likely to him. He was on the verge of crying tasting bland food for 1 hour and finally with the last dish he burst out crying calling lan wangi like a child . Jiang Cheng tried to calm him down but there was no use of anything he send lan xichen to buy his favourite spicy food for him who came early from meeting but didn't arrive yet .

" Wuuuu lan zhan " wei ying was crying badly hiccuping. Jiang Cheng sign Jin ling who nodded and about to go to call lan wangi but see him walking towards them hurriedly . They bowed and back away . Lan wangi immediately set beside wei ying who sat on his lap straddling him and cried hugging him. Lan wangi was so worried when he sense his mate's distressed mood but he came immediately when his feelings got strong ...

" Shhhh I am here what happened" he asked calmly rubbing his back and head . Who snuggle more in his neck and clench on his rob....

" I,I am hungry ,and they give wei ying bad food I don't like it . I want spicy food " .....

He pout with teary eyes looking adorable in his eyes .

" Um lan xichen went to buy him favorite food from town ahh look he is here " .....

Wei ying's eyes sparkle seeing his favourite spicy food and immediately start eating like an hungry man. Lan wangi just hold him on his lap who was peacefully eating his food on his personal place. Everyone just looked at him with a relief because his crying died on the other hand lan wangi was thinking about wei ying's behavior. No matter how much he dislike clan's food he can't threw a tantrum then why...

" Ahhhh I am full lan zhan carry me home I am sleepy" wei ying spoke rubbing his tummy leaning on his shoulder. Lan wangi just hummed and carried him back to house...

Lan xichen and Jiang Cheng sit together to drink tea when lan xichen asked....

" Why was axian so moody . I didn't saw him like that before . Did he do back in yunmeng when he couldn't get his favourite food " .....

Jiang Cheng sigh ...

" No , never . I also got worried because he never present himself this week and desperate." .....

" Okay don't worry we are here for axian so don't worry hmm " lan xichen caress his cheeks making him blushed...

" O,okay " .....

" Ahhhh lan zhan ahh " It was wei ying who was vomiting after waking up from his sleep .

" Wei ying are you okay " lan wangi hugged him rubbing his back . Wei ying weakly hummed and snuggle in his chest . Lan wangi carry him to bed and made him set on his lap who straddle comfortablely.

" Don't worry maybe I ate too much . Just feeling tired hug me " wei ying pout cutely making lan wangi chuckles and kiss his pout.

" Okay " ....

Now it's thief daily routine . Wei ying became to clingy to lan wangi . Throwing tantrum for his favourite food then threw up everything. He feels tired all the time . When he want something then he want . He won't listened to anyone and will start crying.

Now he was also crying because he want to play with ayuan but he was taking classes if lan qiren. Lan wangi , lan xichen tried to console him but nothing happened. Jiang Cheng sigh and stand up.....

" You want ayuan to play " .....

Wei ying looked at him from lan zhan's neck with sparkle eyes and nodded vigorously...

" Let's go and get your son from that demon"

He said demon because wei ying was saying that old is demon who stole his son .

" Really let's go . Lan zhan you wait me and Jiang will fight with demon and bring our son back " ....

Before lan wangi can stopped him . He hold Jiang cheng's hand and run outside . Lan xichen chuckles looking at his worried face...

" Wangi don't worry . He won't do anything hmm let's wait for him " ....

Lecture was going on when someone burst through the door making everyone flinched.

" Yeah you demon give me my son back or else I will shave your beard " wei ying shout irritatingly walking inside following by Jiang Cheng.

" Wei wuxin what are you doing " lan qiren said angrily on the other hand students back away because these days they knows their immortal master's tamper is on other level...

" What do you mean . I came to take my son ayuan whom you kidnapped demon . " ....

He spoke poking on his chest making other student's muffle their laugh . Before he can do anything ayuan immediately walked to wei ying....

" Ma I am here let's go" ayuan said sweetly making wei ying turn to him with widen smile.

" Aww my baby look how you demon suck my baby's blood " he squeeze his cheeks in his making students laugh and ayuan embarrassed...

" Wei ying mind your language" ...

Lan qiren was on the verge of loosing bit wei ying show him his tongue and dragged out his son and Jiang Cheng who was smiling looking at his mischievous brother...


" Lan Zhan look I save my son from demon look how that demon suck my baby's blood he became too thin . Lan zhan made yummy yummy food for him let's fatten him up now we are not going to send him to that demon's class okay ayuan ".....

He said in one breath sitting on his personal place on wangi's lap and pull his son beside his chair . Jiang Cheng set beside lan xichen...

" O,okay ma I am not going there " ayuan said hasitatly after exchanging gaze with lan xichen and wangi who nodded to play along ...

" Good "