
" wei ying" ...

Lan wangi burst into their house , was greeted by their son's loud weling and physicians murmuring to each other how to save their his highness....

A pang of guilt pinched his heart , leaving his husband behind in disappointment, guilt of not connecting him in this whole month . How he forgets that nothing can kill wei ying except his emotion and his heart . He stumbled towards the bed with his lifeless body , physicians back away from bed ....

A lump of pain stuck in his throat the moment his eyes landed of wei ying's lifeless , tired , pale body . He can feel the spiritual energy drifting from his veins . His eyes feel warm , stings and rope of tears fell from his eyes . He set beside him and hold his hand with his own shaky hands .

" W,wei ying " ....

His lips shaked before landing on wei ying's hand . He looked back and saw his son crying in his brother's arms who was also crying. Lan xichen explain everything happend in past whole month, making lan wangi close his eyes in pain . He extended his hands towards his brother , indicating him to pass his son . Xichen immediately walked towards them and give the crying baby to lan wangi . Who carefully hold his son , and the baby immediately snuggle in his chest clenching on his robs tightly with little sobs . He feel a pang of disappointment for himself in his heart . It was his fault . He never spend time with his son , nothing will happen like that if sometime he can hold and play with his son so wei ying can take rest or talk to him. He wave his hands and everyone left the house , closing the door behind them. Lan wangi put their baby beside wei ying and the he also layed behind wei ying supporting his body and then remove his upper robe adjusting his son who immediately start sucking milk tightly clenching on wei ying's rob but now his mother was ill and so weak to hug him back.

Lan wangi hugged wei ying snuggling in his neck and put his hand on wei ying's core and start transferring his energy essence . He knows how to get his wife back . He cried snuggling in wei ying's neck , wetting his neck .

Three days passed in the blink of eyes but someone asked lan wangi every moment was an hell for him without his mate . He daily transfer spiritual energy to wei ying's core , bathing sleeping beauty changing his clothes but still his mate didn't wanted towake up maybe this was his punishment.Lan wangi played with his son , took care of him like how wei ying do before . Now he know why his wife always seem busy with their child because he was clingy and didn't wanted him to leave him for one second . Jingyi also do the same with lan zhan .lan zhan understand why was thier son so much moody and clingy towards wei ying because his father Doesn't play with him and carry him . He cradle the baby in his arms , he was sitting beside wei ying's bed on floor back facing him....

" Father is sorry baby , he didn't spend time with you , play with you , love you . Father hurt mama and baby so father needs punishment and your forgiveness will you forgive your father baby . Father promise not to leave you and your mama for one second , it was my fault for not holding you and playing with you so wei ying can rest and we spend the family time together rather I was just feeling lonely because he was paying attention to you but it was him who was alone taking care of you when it was also my duty to love and care for you two . I am sorry baby will you forgive your father " ..

Lan wangi caress his son's cheeks who was giggling and hold his father's finger making him smile in tears . " I hurt your mama baby . I hurt my wife , my mate , my partner. I should have forcfully stayed with you two , rather then only sulking like ab idiot in corner. I know it was not only me who missed him , wei ying must missed me too . I remember he was the most sensitive and clingy person to me before everything happen . Baby will mama forgive father hmm " he hugged his son crying unknown to him someone was listening to him from start.

Wei ying woke up when lan wangi start talking to thier son and he hear everything and every word . His heart clench seeing his husband crying holding their son . He finally set up with difficultly and slide behind lan wangi before hugging him from behind ...

" W,wei ying w,was never angry with his lan zhan " ...

Lan zhan froze on his place , his breath stuck in his chest . His hands shook slightly. He slowly put the baby down on fluffy carpet and hold the beautiful hands of his wife around his chest .

" I forgive you lan zhan , you also forgive me hubby. Wei ying miss his hubby so much " Both cried on thier own place before lan wangi turned and pulled wei ying on his lap hugging him tightly. Wei ying snuggle in his chest clenching on him tightly....

" There's nothing to forgive baby , it was just misunderstanding love . I am sorry to not understand the situation and did horrible . Hubby is sorry " ...

Lan zhan back away and wipe his face and pull him In heated kissed . They kissed each other passionately, pouring all the love , longing and sedness in the kiss .....

"Hehehe" They back away hearing cute giggles and look at their child who was wiggling happily while watching his parents loving each other. They both chuckles and wei ying carry his son .

" Did my baby miss mama hmmm ( snuggle in his belly making him more giggling) aww did you had anything, lan zhan who much time I was out did he had anything" ....

Lan zhan snuggle in his neck , inhaling deeply making wei ying almost moan ...

" H,hey l,lan zhan " ..... He stuttered, féeling hotness creeping on his body when lan zhan kiss his neck softly . Oh how much he missed his husband's touch for monthes ...

" I helped him breastfeed by laying him on your side . So don't worry " He rub wei ying's belly snuggling more in his neck . Wei ying also. Snuggle close to him hugging thier son who was yawning to sleep .

" Let me first make him sleep then we will spend time together I missed you " .....

" Okay love . I am going to call yuan he cried so much . I will tell him you are awake " ...

" Okay " ....

Lan wangi walked out of thier house . Wei ying feed jingyi who slept well . Wei ying put him in his cradle and then bath himself changing to new clothes .

" Mama " he turned towards the voice and saw a teary yuan running towards him .he smiled and hug his son ...

" I missed you mama " he sniff against wei ying's shoulder. " Mama is sorry , now don't cry look I am fine and healthy " ...

He kissed his forehead wiping the tears .

" I am sorry axian " wei ying looked at guilty lan xichen and smiled . " It's okay brother . Forget everything that happens in past " ....

" Thank you axian " .....

After talking for sometime they left leaving the couple alone .

They look at each other with longing and thirst. Lan wangi's desired gaze makes wei ying's body shuddered. Lan zhan walked towards him who was looking down shyly and brush his hairs locks back from his face , cupping them in his hands . He admired his beautiful husband who felt shy and smiled looking down . Lan wangi's heart skip a beat seeing beautiful shy smile after so many time and hugged him tightly snuggling in his neck . Wei ying hugged him back nuzzles in his chest and sigh peacefully. He missed his husband's warmth. He always wanted it but maybe because that was their first time with the small baby everything got messed up but now he will try his best to divided his attention equilibration . The same thoughts lan zhan had in his mind . He promised in his heart never leaving his husband even for an hour . He was so stupid not anymore