End and Beginning.

Life is indeed full of pain, and in that moment, as I gazed out the window, the weight of the world seemed to bear down upon me. The darkness that swirled outside mirrored the turmoil within my soul. It was a world where fear and prejudice reigned, where the whispers of hatred echoed through the streets.

As I turned my eyes towards him, I couldn't help but feel a profound sadness. But he was looking at me like I was deserving of this torment, his eyes filled with judgment and contempt. It pained me to see the person I once loved, the one who held my heart, standing there, holding his unconscious lovers in his arms.

Outside, the voices of the mob grew louder, their cries of "kill the witch" fueled by ignorance and fear. They saw me as an abomination, a threat to their way of life. They believed the lies and rumors that had been woven around me, In their eyes, I was a witch, deserving of punishment and death. I laughed like an evil character, and in response, he looked at me with contempt. Feeling a mix of confusion and concern, I turned to him and asked in a silent voice, "What did I do?" His eyes registered surprise as he processed my question.

In the midst of the enveloping darkness, our eyes met, and his anguished voice tore through the air, laden with accusation. "You have brought ruin upon me and Alice," he exclaimed, the weight of his pain palpable in his words. Amidst a gathering of knights and onlookers, an unusual calm settled upon me, defying the impending judgment that awaited. There were no tears in my eyes, for it seemed as though my physical form had already departed. In that profound moment, a single question reverberated deep within me, genuine and searching: What had I done to deserve this?

Summoning every ounce of inner strength, I drew in a deep breath and, with composed resolve, repeated my plea, "But what did I do?" Outside, the world remained cloaked in darkness, our gazes locked in an unyielding embrace. As I gazed out of the window, I could see people circling the duchy, a silent witness to the turmoil within.

"It is my end, isn't it?" I whispered, a heavy realization settling upon my heart.

"Why did you hurt us? What did you do that for?" he responded, void of emotion, as he held his lover captive in the room. "I told you I don't love you or even like you. Do you not understand?" His words dripped with a cold detachment, devoid of any sentiment.

In the midst of this tense moment, he paused, his gaze fixed upon me. "If you expect my offer..." In that charged moment, his gaze piercing into me, he trailed off, leaving his offer unspoken but pregnant with implications.

"Accept your offer, darling?" I laughed, devoid of any emotion. "I only did what was right. I am branded a villain simply because you do not love me. I am labeled a villain because she loves you. I am cast as a villain because you love her. But what did I do that warrants the desire for my demise from both you and the world?"

The question hung in the air, unanswered. The weight of their judgment and the collective animosity against me pressed heavily upon my shoulders, yet a flicker of defiance ignited within. Despite being cast as the antagonist in this tragic tale, I refused to surrender my conviction that my actions were driven by a sense of justice.

"I would even die for you, something she could never do," I uttered, my voice trembling with emotion. "I loved you once, but now I detest you with every fiber of my being." The words slipped out, laden with pain and resentment, as I confronted the truth of our shattered bond. But as I turned to face him, my heart sank. He stood there, by her side, a cruel smile playing upon his lips.

"Our parents will witness this, and they will pass judgment on what you have done to Alice," he sneered, contempt dripping from his voice.

Their plan had worked, a carefully orchestrated play in which they emerged victorious. But I couldn't accept this fate. I knew what awaited me – a death sentence as a witch, the severing of ties between our families, and a future of being sold off to a distant land, bringing no joy to our kin. Their scheme was cunning, but I refused to succumb. There was one final act I had to perform – to end my own life.

In that desolate moment, as darkness consumed my spirit, I resolved to take control of my own destiny. The weight of their betrayal and the impending consequences bore heavily upon my shoulders, but I would not allow them to dictate my existence. With a heavy heart and unwavering determination, I embarked on a path that only I could choose – a path that would bring an end to my suffering.

And so, in that pivotal moment, I spotted a gleaming sword nearby, a weapon he had brandished to threaten me and keep me away from his lover. Without hesitation, I seized the opportunity. I sprinted towards him, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and adrenaline, and with all my strength, I pushed him forcefully. They both stumbled and fell to the ground, caught off guard by my sudden act of defiance. The princess, his beloved, let out an unconscious cry, adding a touch of authenticity to our performance. A smug smirk crossed my face as I reveled in the success of our act.

"What are you doing, Eleanor?" Gabriel exclaimed, his voice a mixture of confusion and alarm.

Their fearful gazes met mine, and I savored the sight. Yes, I wanted to witness the fear they had instilled in me for far too long. But...

"Eleanor, I know that you can't. Just don't hurt yourself again. Stop being stupid," Gabriel pleaded, his voice trembling with concern.

In that moment, I stood at the precipice, ready to embrace death.

"No, Gabriel," I declared, my voice unwavering. "With this sword, I shall free myself."

Determination surged through me as I held the sword tightly, its weight reassuring in my grasp. It symbolized the power to sever the chains that had bound me to a life of anguish and betrayal. In that instant, I made a choice—a choice to reclaim my autonomy, even if it meant confronting the ultimate sacrifice.

With each passing moment, the flames of determination burned brighter, obscuring the doubts that threatened to weaken my resolve. I knew the path ahead would be fraught with uncertainty, but I couldn't bear the chains of oppression any longer. It was time to break free, to forge a new destiny on my own terms.

I took a deep breath, my heart steady, and took a determined step forward. The sword in my hand symbolized more than just a weapon—it was an embodiment of my inner strength and my desire for freedom. With each stride, I embraced my rebellious spirit, prepared to confront any challenges that awaited me, even if it meant defying the very fabric of destiny itself.

However, as I raised the sword to my throat, a moment of confusion washed over me. The faces around me seemed to move in slow motion, their gazes directed downward. Questions raced through my mind—had I truly inflicted harm upon myself? The encroaching darkness only intensified my sense of uncertainty. Yet, amidst the growing shadows, I could hear the urgent voices of those nearby, running towards me, their concern palpable.





İf you like this " my second book " Silent Possession (You Belong to Me)