After our lengthy conversation over drinks, we made our way back to my office at the hotel. It was a space that felt uniquely mine. Tom, James, and I gathered there to discuss the revelations shared by the doctor and Meg, the maid.

"So, Meg told you that this person is from another world," I repeated Tom's words, taking them in. I wasn't particularly surprised, considering the conversation I had with the doctor. She had informed me that they frequently kept poison her , but their intentions weren't to harm Elenore.

"But sir, what if she's lying?" James interjected, expressing his skepticism.

"I don't believe she's lying, James," Tom replied, turning toward me. " Jennie confirmed it.the maid was not lying " tom said. Just like me, Jennie had the remarkable gift of discerning truth from falsehoods through her perceptive eyes. In fact, she might even be better at it than I am.