The dreams had become increasingly vivid, to the point where I could no longer discern reality from fantasy. Day and night blurred together in a confusing haze. Was this all just a dream, or was I truly going mad?

Everything felt too complicated, too overwhelming to process. Where had my peaceful life gone? The same unsettling dream played out night after night, and now even yesterday was blurring with the present.

When had I last slept? , but what time was it exactly? The events of yesterday were hazy, but I do recall John sharing his events. Yes I remeber. What had happened after that? Had I fainted from the shock of it all?

I rubbed my eyes, trying to regain some semblance of clarity. "Wait, this isn't my room," I mumbled, my voice raspy from sleep. "Where am I? This isn't even a good room. How could I not notice?"