Chapter 6 Little Young Master is Missing_1

When Yin Ci saw the familiarity between Lu Jianshen and Li Xinxin, her expression became even more indifferent.

"Since Young Master Lu and Miss Yin are so fated, I suppose you have no objections to this arranged marriage."

"Since it's a marriage arranged by the elders of our two families, I can't argue against their wishes."

Indeed, they knew each other.

Yin Ci's gaze shifted slightly, suppressing her discomfort, and turned to look at Yin Guzhong.

"Since Young Master Lu said so, Mr. Yin should transfer the money to me as soon as possible, and from now on we'll have nothing to do with each other."

Seeing Lu Jianshen not speaking further, and his icy gaze fixed on his daughter, Yin Guzhong felt a surge of triumph. He immediately ordered Yin Meng to transfer the funds.

Only after Yin Ci received the transfer did Lu Jianshen finally speak again.

"When the two families arranged the marriage, the bride was Yin Ci. Now, regardless of who the rich lady of the Yin Family is, the only woman I can marry is Yin Ci."

Upon hearing this, not only did Yin Ci's expression change, even Li Xinxin standing behind her looked different.

So, Lu Jianshen intended to marry Yin Ci no matter what, and had no plans to change his bride?

Yin Ci was stunned as well. What was Lu Jianshen up to?

"Miss Yin Ci, you plan to call off the engagement and make way for a wiser alternative, right?" Lu Jianshen stared at Yin Ci.

Yin Ci turned to look at Lu Jianshen, seeing his deep eyes filled with indifference, even a hint of displeasure.

She understood immediately.

He was seeking revenge, revenge for her using the marriage agreement as a trade with the Yins.

"Li Xinxin is the real rich lady of the Yin Clan, I am a fake. It's only right for you to marry her."

As soon as Yin Ci finished speaking, she prepared to leave. If she waited any longer, Yin Guzhong would definitely demand her to return the money!

She didn't want to let the two billion she had finally obtained slip away.

It was what she deserved.

"Even if it makes sense, I won't marry her. I'll talk to my grandfather about cancelling the engagement with the Yin Clan."

Having said that, Lu Jianshen turned around and left. Yin Ci also hurried away with her luggage, not caring about Yin Guzhong's embarrassed expression.

The weather in early autumn was still a little hot, and Yin Ci had been in the Yin Family all day, engaged in mental battles and had had nothing to eat.

Now her stomach was rumbling with hunger.

She felt like eating something.

But this villa district only had one convenience store.

Yin Ci sighed, and walked towards the convenience store.

She chose a small cake and when she came out, she saw a little boy sitting opposite her at the entrance of the convenience store. His clothes were dirty, and there were even bruises on his little hands.

The surroundings were completely deserted, except for a bus that passed by every two hours, there were hardly any people.

The little boy must have got separated from his parents.

Yin Ci hesitated for a while. Many thoughts of how terrible it was for a child to get lost ran through her mind. Finally, she sighed lightly and walked over to the little boy.

"Little friend, where are your parents?"

The little boy suddenly turned around, his lips tightened, and he gazed at her with his round eyes.

He looked like a helpless little doll.

Yin Ci's heart skipped a beat, a strange sense of familiarity surging up in her heart.

This child...why did she feel like she had seen him somewhere before?

No, the Yin Family didn't have children of this age, and her friends were still single.

Where could she have seen this child?

With a confused frown, Yin Ci suppressed the urge to get close to him, and tried to ask in another way: "Where are you from? Where is your home?"

The little boy remained silent, just staring at the cake in Yin Ci's hand.

Yin Ci realized that the little boy was hungry but couldn't cry out for food. He must be mute.

She sighed, offering the cake to the little boy.

The little boy held the cake, not devouring it like a ravenous wolf, but eating it bit by bit, obviously very well brought up.

His family must be very worried about him being lost, right?

Gently wiping the cream off the little boy's face, Yin Ci took his hand and started to head towards the police station.

Meanwhile, Lu Jianshen, who had just driven away, received a call on his mobile. Picking it up, he heard his housekeeper's panic-stricken voice.

"Sir, the little young master is missing!"