Chapter 20 Contract_1

Today is the weekend, and Yin Ci went to the Lu Family home.

When she arrived, Lu Anping was tending to flowers with the butler. He'd recently made significant strides, gradually becoming more willing to interact with others.

Yin Ci spent some time playing with him and helping him with sudoku puzzles.

After the little one tired out, she put him to sleep, then went to find Lu Jianshen in the study.

Since they were going to collaborate, the sooner, the better.

She'd brought a contract to Lu Jianshen.

It was a copyright agreement for jewelry design drafts.

"President Lu, take a look at the contract I've prepared," she said.

Lu Jianshen looked up from his documents, took the contract, glanced over it, then nodded.

"You can raise the copyright fee a bit; don't worry about saving me money," he said.

He seemed to be smiling.

Yin Ci paused.

She had indeed quoted a low price, but didn't believe she was selling herself short.