Chapter 23 Giving a Bracelet_1

Lu Jianshen smiled, a rare sight. "Longing for a daughter-in-law," he said.

Yin Ci blushed and lowered her gaze to her shoes, not saying a word.

"I didn't make this up, he said it himself."


Soon, they arrived at the sickroom. Before this visit, Yin Ci had been deeply worried about Lu Family's relatives.

Now, as she walked beside Lu Jianshen, she felt less fearful.

Inside the sickroom, the morning sun shone on the potted plants by the window. The room was clean and quiet, with Old Sir resting on the sickbed.

The tranquility of the scene made Yin Ci breathe more gently.

She whispered, "The old man is sleeping, let's come back in a bit?"

Lu Jianshen looked at her cautious expression, unnoticed laughter in his eyes, and said, "It's okay, he's not sleeping soundly."

With that, Lu Jianshen walked towards the bed and called out, "Grandpa, the person you wanted to see is here."