Chapter 26 Kindergarten Drama_1

Mother Yin silently noted the information in her heart, and when she got home, she had someone investigate where the lady's son attended kindergarten.

Upon receiving this news, Li Xinxin started calculating her strategy again.

Someone as sharp as Lu Jianshen would be tough to deal with, she knew that.

However, his son was young and naive, and also had autism.

If she could win his son's affection first, wouldn't marrying into the Lu family be as easy as drinking water?

Li Xinxin thought her plan was foolproof. She quickly sketched out a plan and immediately set it in motion.


Once the planning was done, Yin Ci's jewelry studio officially entered the trial operation phase.

The main objective in this phase was to advertise the studio and enhance its renown. This included preparations for the store's façade.