Chapter 61: Dead End_1

Lu Jianshen looked thoughtfully at the series name and synopsis.

"This series is aimed at the affordable market, so the cost of these accompanying stones is accordingly lower. To some people, the stones may seem to have a few flaws,"

Yin Ci moved closer to him, explaining the product concept and crafting process that was displayed on the tablet.

"But it's these flaws that make me more cautious, more thoughtful in the design, polishing, and setting process, resulting in a finished product that looks as good as those so-called flawless diamonds, even surpassing the pretentious and expensive jewelry in overall quality."

Lu Jianshen's comprehension was extraordinary. Although neither of them had spoken plainly, he quietly understood her thoughts.

Having Lu Anping in his arms, he kissed the back of the boy's head, flipping through the jewelry with him, and gently asked, "Anping, do you think these candies are pretty?"