Chapter 78 Gentle Trap_1

The resolution of her emotional problems had lightened Yin Ci's mood quite a bit.

She got up early the next morning.

She even personally made breakfast for Lu Anping and watched him finish eating before going to work with Lu Jianshen.

She was the first to arrive at the studio, and was startled at the sight before her eyes.

The door of the studio was wide open, and the room was in complete disarray.

The display case was shattered to pieces, intentionally smashed to the ground; the jewelry, stones, and tools contained within, were thrown haphazardly around the studio.

Yin Ci's first reaction was to check the surveillance camera on the wall corner.

The surveillance camera had also been sabotaged, disassembled by someone.

She hurried to check the design data on the computer, only to find that the computer had been reset...

"Who exactly is..." she suddenly recalled the missing studio key from that day and felt chills run down her spine.