Chapter 113 Lay Flat_1

Jian Shuhua, seeing them so scared, softly followed up.

"You can speak freely. No matter what you have done, I stand with you because I too don't want the real Jian Yinyin to return to the Jian family."

Yin Guzhong was afraid she was deceiving him, so he still did not dare to speak, his hand resting on his leg tightly gripping his pants.

"Speak while I still have patience, otherwise I don't know what I might do!"

Her voice became increasingly cold and impatient, her imposing aura permeating within the small space, leaving Yin Guzhong and Mother Yin gasping for breath.

Yin Guzhong saw that Jian Shuhua didn't show any of the gentleness she had in front of the old lady, grit his teeth and decided to tell the truth.

You can fool people some of the time, but not all the time.

If he could win her over with this, his future path in the Jian family would become smoother.

"Yes, we swapped the identities of the two."

It turned out to be as she suspected.