Chapter 140 They are the Correct Answer_1

The second day, when the alarm clock rang in the early morning, Yin Ci opened her eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling. It took her a moment to realize she was back home.

Yin Ci reached out to touch the spot beside her, only to find it empty. Lu Jianshen had already left.

She too, got up, changed her clothes, brushed her teeth, and went downstairs.

Jian Lianxi was already sitting at the dining table, drinking coffee and reading a financial magazine.

Upon seeing this, Yin Ci adeptly stepped forward and took the coffee from his hands.

"Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is bad. You should have milk instead."


Jian Lianxi nodded in agreement without even looking up, as if this scene had been played out thousands of times before.

The busy servants in the restaurant exchanged looks.

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach in the morning had become Jian Lianxi's habit.