Chapter 150: Settling Accounts with Yin Guzhong_1

Having finished what she had to say, she walked away without a backward glance.

Yin Ci noted down the address, helping the dejected old lady back to her room.

Wen Xin and Jian Zhenghua brought down the gold-thread jewelry made by Yin Ci from the room upstairs, placing them one by one on the tea table.

The living room had great lighting. Warm sunlight filtered in from the outside, illuminating the jewelry on the tea table, giving it a golden glow, dazzling in its brilliance.

"This is truly beautiful, only slightly less skillful than mother's craft."

Wen Xin praised his own daughter while entertaining the desire to have his daughter give him this set of jewelry.

He confidently believed that once he wore this set of jewelry, those noble ladies may all die of envy.

Jian Zhenghua supported the old lady over, "Mother, what do you think of Yinyin's work?"