Chapter 153: Going to the amusement park_1

You have to say that Jian Lianxi gave considerable thought to his gift selection.

When Yin Ci is not at home, or when she is busy and unable to narrate stories for Lu Anping, the mechanized rabbit with a voice identical to hers can take her place.

Lu Anping held the small rabbit in his arms, unable to let go of it.

Yin Ci also had a deeper understanding of that cold elder brother.

Although he is cold towards outsiders, he is considerate and warm towards his family.

"Mom, can I send an audio message to Uncle, I want to thank him."

Lu Anping caressed the fur of the rabbit, regretting his judgment of his Uncle's off-tune singing the previous night.

"Of course."

Yin Ci handed him the phone.

Anping cradled the phone with both hands, pressing down on the recording button with both thumbs, his baby-voice squeaked,

"Uncle, thank you for the present, I really like this small rabbit."