Chapter 166 Impressions Score Increased_1

Yin Ci let go of Lu Jianshen, forcing her weak legs to stand.

"It was Jian Shen who risked his life to put me down..."

All eyes turned to Lu Jianshen.

The suit on Lu Jianshen's back had been charred by the fire, exposing a large piece of skin, red and swollen, shocking at first sight.

"Good boy, it's really thanks to you that Yinyin is safe and sound."

The old lady turned her head away not daring to look at his burns.

She didn't dare to think of the damage Yin Ci would have suffered if Lu Jianshen hadn't been there.

Others' gazes at Lu Jianshen were no longer as sharp and hateful as before, but carried a hint of sympathy and relief.

Lu Jianshen's status in their hearts shot up greatly, he was no longer just the brat who took Jian Yinyin away.

"Don't worry, the ambulance is already here."

They had arranged for all emergencies when they learned of the accident.

The ambulance arrived faster than the fire truck, reaching the building first.