Chapter 170: Fang Yu's Adoptive Father_1

The blind girl felt inferior due to her eye issue and disliked being photographed the most.

Therefore, Lu Jianshen would secretly take pictures of her, but the blind girl's hearing was acute. She could distinguish the sound of a camera shutter and stop him every time.

Over time, Lu Jianshen stopped taking photos to avoid upseting her. He only saved one photo in his phone.

The photo was of the blind girl holding a baby.

The girl in the photo had eyes like a cloud of fog, but they were distinct in black and white, and her pupils were especially large.

She had a delicate face, a slightly turned-up nose, and lips that were naturally red without any lipstick.

Upon seeing a photo of herself before the plastic surgery, Yin Ci trembled - Fang Yu's face resembled hers by 90% in the photo!

"They look so alike! They might as well have been carved from the same mold."

Finally, Yin Ci understood how Lu Jianshen felt when others said that he and Lu Anping looked alike.