Chapter 180 Going to the Bar to See September Sky_1


Fang Heming received a message from the identification hospital.

"President Fang, the paternity report has been sent to Lu Jianshen as you instructed."

"Hmm, good." Fang Heming exhaled a ring of smoke, then made a phone call to the owner of a bar owned by the Fang family.

"How's the performance of the Sept Days Band working out?"

He had researched Yin Ci's domestic preferences and found that her favourite band was the rock band called Sept Days. She had attended every one of their concerts.

If Yin Ci was reluctant to go out with him, then he would find a way to make her come to him.

After escorting Lu Anping home, Yin Ci received a phone call from Deng Wan'er.

"Yin Ci, you're back in the country! Quickly come to Night Demon Bar. Your favorite band Sept Days is playing here."

Deng Wan'er's voice was drunkenly slurred, the background noise was loud, clearly, she was partying hard in the bar.

Hearing that Sept Days was performing at a bar, Yin Ci had an idea.