Chapter 214 President Lu Faints_1

"In the future, if you want to go to the museum, let Mommy know and she'll accompany you. Or you can tell your two uncles."

Fang Heming also chimed in, "It's fine if you go with me as well."

Elder Mrs.Jian stood by the musical stone chimes, looking at them carefully and recognized them as a part of an aristocrat's collection.

These are replicas of the ancient musical stone chimes made during the Qing Dynasty and are indeed antiques.

"Heming, this is too much! These antiques should be kept in display cases, not given to children as toys."

However, Fang Heming didn't mind at all.

As long as Yin Ci and the child are happy.

"It's alright, Grandma Jian. The kids' happiness is more important than anything else."

Once again, Elder Mrs. Jian sighed inwardly— Fang Heming was such a good man.

He cared for Lu Anping because he liked Yin Ci— this was a case of love me, love my dog!

On thinking about it further, she was even more pleased with President Fang.