Chapter 217: Yin Ci's Ferocious Son_1

Lu Anping turned his face away and silently shed tears.

He decided from today onward, he no longer liked Uncle Fang.

His father was always good to him, always trusting him.

At this moment, Lu Anping missed Lu Jianshen very much.

After Yin Ci spoke harshly for a while, she noticed the fatigue in Fang Heming's eyes and sighed, deciding to compromise.

"Our arguing is pointless, we'll know what happened when Yu wakes up. If you're tired, you should go rest in a hotel, I'll stay at the hospital and look after Yu."

Realizing his attitude was incorrect, Fang Heming rubbed his temples and apologized with a bitter smile.

"I'm sorry, Yinyin. I was too impatient earlier. Even though the doctor said it's not serious, I am still worried."

"The distance from the treehouse to the ground is not small. I'm worried Yu might have injured her head, and she just had surgery recently, her body hasn't fully recovered… never mind, let's not talk about this now."