Chapter 220: Views on Fang Yu_1

As a father, Lu Jianshen was mired in an array of emotions.

Although he was angry that his son had stealthily left the manor, he felt somewhat proud about his son's resilience.

He was stunned that such a small child managed to board a plane.

Given the considerable distance between the manor and the airport, he wasn't sure how Anping had managed to reach it.

Lu Jianshen pushed open the doors of the meeting room and strode out.

Upon arriving at the hospital, he walked into the ward to inquire about his grandfather's condition from his butler.

"The doctors say that the Old Sir is recovering well. They can't say when exactly he would awake, as elders take longer to recover," replied the butler with a smile.

Seeing that his grandfather looked well, Lu Jianshen felt relieved.

"Please take care of Grandfather for some time. Once he awakens, he will see Anping. You wouldn't believe it, Anping dared to return to our country alone."

In a hospital in the city center of Country C...