Chapter 228 Give Him a Chance_1

After checking the account book, she handed it over to her assistant.

"The sale of accessories was pretty good last month, so I've doubled everyone's bonus. Let's keep up the good work this month."

"Thank you, boss!"

She watched as the assistant left with a joyful stride, rubbing her slightly aching wrist.

Managing a small studio and checking accounts are enough to tire someone out.

Lu Jianshen is managing a huge corporation, dealing with endless work every day. Yet he somehow finds the time to have starry skylight made.

He even has time to read baby education books. He really is the master of time management.

Thinking of his diaries, Yin Ci smiled knowingly.

She did not choose the wrong person all those years ago.

Evening arrived in the blink of an eye, and as the sun set it took away the heat of the day, leaving a sky dotted with orange clouds.

Yin Ci, as agreed, went to the riverside and saw Fang Heming in his sportswear.

"Yinyin, I've finally seen you."