Chapter 231 Jian Shuhua_1

"It was my mistake at work that helped the rival company, the boss should fire me." The assistant's voice choked up a bit.

Yin Ci got up and walked over to the assistant, patting her shoulder to soothe her: "What are you talking about, silly girl, you are my right-hand assistant."

"It wasn't your mistake at work, it's that the rival is too cunning, even I fell into their trap."

Suddenly, a ringtone interrupted Yin Ci's words, she gestured for the assistant to go back to work.

When she learned that the Jian Family's overseas company was affected, she could no longer stay calm.

Yin Ci thought about it, and felt that Siyin Company was specifically targeting her and the Jian Family.

She boldly guessed that the people behind this company had a direct relationship with them.

Moreover, Siyin, this name, no matter how she looked at it, was related to her.

Due to the family crisis, Jian Lianxi had to return home.