Chapter 235 Who Plagiarized Who_1

"President Jian, the cyber army is ready and today our Siyin Studio will definitely trend!" The assistant of Jian Shuhua ended the call, with a delighted expression on her face.

Jian Shuhua gazed at the unfolding events with satisfaction.

With the preview of the upcoming Chaofeng series from their studio, it had already grabbed many people's attention.

In particular, Yin Ci's Studio had launched a new product yesterday.

It was also a bird.

Both companies were known to be in conflict, and with the release of new products around the same time and on the same theme, it was inevitable that they attracted public attention.

Many people quickly noticed that Siyin Studio's Chaofeng series was markedly similar to Yin Ci's mythological bird.

People began to stand in line to accuse.

"This is too much, such blatant plagiarism!"

"At least change the pose and feathers, it hasn't even changed a bit?"

"I support Yin Ci in suing, this is plainly copied!"