Chapter 256 My Room My Bed_1

Under Yin Ci's stern gaze, Lu Jianshen maintained his composure, responding unhurriedly, "This is the old mansion, this is my room. Where else am I supposed to sleep?"

Yin Ci rolled her eyes in annoyance at his shameless behavior.

"In that case, President Lu should have arranged a guest room for me when we moved in. Considering our current relationship, it isn't appropriate for us to share a bed."

As Yin Ci was about to get out of bed, her wrist was grabbed by Lu Jianshen. She lost her balance and fell directly onto him.

The man's hot skin pressed against her through the thin nightgown, the clearly outlined abdominal muscles heated her skin, making her mouth dry. She didn't want to admit that she was being seduced by Lu Jianshen, but her body's reaction quickly caused her cheeks to redden.

"Let me go!"

Feeling his hand moving downwards, Yin Ci suddenly came back to her senses, pushing Lu Jianshen away and standing up. She hadn't decided to forgive him yet.