Chapter 267: Is One Billion Enough? _1

The competition continued, and as Yin Ci continued to watch, she noticed that Lu Jianshen stood up in front and glanced in her direction.

Then, the man pointed at his mobile phone, which caused Yin Ci to subconsciously look down at a new text message from Lu Jianshen.

It was succinct - just four words - "I need to work."

Without saying much, Yin Ci just nodded at him.

Afterward, Lu Jianshen left without looking back.

It was a surprise to Yin Ci that he came at all today. His presence didn't heavily impact the ongoing competition.

Yaxiu's piece was arranged to be presented twelfth. So far, it was the design Yin Ci was most pleased with. Despite some issues with Chen Jia's design, Yin Ci had high expectations for Yaxiu.

The model walked on the stage with a platinum necklace, with the detailed design and materials displayed on the screen behind her.