Chapter 276 Misunderstanding_1

"Since you all know each other, you can go in now," said the receptionist.

As soon as these words came out of her mouth, the room fell silent.

Yin Ci stared at the receptionist in disbelief. The woman's attitude changed so quickly that she found it hard to adjust.

Deng Wan'er looked at Yin Ci with a conflicted expression. She didn't want to involve Yin Ci much lest she incur a debt of gratitude to Fang Heming. Given that he constantly stuck around Yin Ci, he didn't seem to be a good person.

After a struggle in her heart, she tightened her grip on Yin Ci's hand and whispered, "Ci, let's not go in. Let's go home instead."

She can always ask Gu Shuqing about things when he comes back.

If the reality is as she suspects, then she will no longer have a need for this man.

Deng Wan'er stopped pulling Yin Ci's hand and turned to see Yin Ci staring at her in earnest, holding her hand to stop her from leaving.