Chapter 312: Three Rules Agreement_1

Seeing the bouquet extended towards her, Yin Ci no longer refused and decisively accepted it.

At this, Lu Jianshen's tense emotions instantly eased.

Next, Anping, who had been running all the way, arrived before the two of them. He looked at Yin Ci, whose face was full of joy, and stuffed the ring he had been safeguarding into Lu Jianshen's hand.

He even considerately reminded him, "Dad, go for it!"

Having said that, the little guy got excited again, glanced at Yin Ci, and then ran back to his place.

Today, the role he played was the most important; he witnessed his parents' marriage proposal ceremony. When he got home, he would definitely tell Cheng Xiaofan about the big thing he had accomplished today!

The next moment, he got down on one knee in front of Yin Ci and raised a ring.

Looking at the beautiful pink gem in the velvet box, Yin Ci's eyes flashed with surprise.

This couldn't be Cheng Jiaxu's ring, could it? But hadn't she already returned it to him?