Chapter 314 Entrusting Property _1

The assistant had just walked in, witnessing the scene.

He didn't say anything and quietly stood to one side.

Fang Heming's face once again turned cold, "Keep an eye on the Jian Family. Report to me if there are any moves."


Yin Ci was awakened by a faint sound, and as she opened her eyes, Lu Jianshen appeared in her line of sight.

The man had already gotten up at some point and had brought her breakfast.

Seeing Yin Ci awaken, he chuckled, "If you slept any later, it would be time for lunch."

Yin Ci blushed slightly, sat up and massaged her somewhat throbbing head, "Where are mom and dad?"

"Anping went to study painting with his second brother, they went back early. I didn't wake you because I was worried that you didn't get a good sleep."

The breakfast was simple, just some congee with some bread and jam. Yin Ci had no appetite and only ate a little.