Chapter 337 Whose Daughter_1

"What's going on?"

Yin Ci's voice rang out behind the two, and she took a few steps to the staircase.

The two young maids instantly lowered their heads in fear when they saw Yin Ci.

They regretted their recklessness from before, but it was too late for that now.

Yin Ci watched the silent pair, her impatience becoming more apparent.

She slammed her cup down on the railing and ordered, "Speak up, do you two want to pack up and leave?"

At the warning, the two maids hurriedly began to explain, too scared to hide anything anymore.

"Madam, Little Young Master and Miss Fang Yu were playing in the back garden this morning. The Little Young Master had paint on his face and Miss Fang Yu tried to clean it off, but she was hit by the Little Master instead."

Upon hearing this, Yin Ci's knitted brow did not relax.