Chapter 362: The person is not dead yet_1

The man's comforting words didn't make Yin Ci feel better, but rather, upset her more.

A few days ago, the little guy would seek out Yin Ci to play with him due to the injury on his head.

Now that his wound was getting better, he began to miss his best friend again.

Yin Ci, his own mother, felt abandoned.

She couldn't see Lu Jianshen every day, and this made her increasingly bored.

She stopped speaking, paused her chewing, and scrunched up her face to stare at Lu Jianshen.

Faced with Yin Ci's resentful gaze, Lu Jianshen felt he was defeated.

He couldn't bear to see Yin Ci unhappy, he just wanted her to be happy every day.


The man inhaled, tossed the half-eaten apple into a fruit plate.

He reached out to hold Yin Ci.

"This afternoon, I have some free time. I will take you and Anping out to play."

"Are you serious?"

Yin Ci was initially skeptical, but upon seeing the sincerity in Lu Jianshen's eyes, she broke out into a smile.