Chapter 372: Lost All Face_1

From the moment he was dragged here, despair had settled into Qiu Zhengyi's heart.

After plotting for half his life, all the success and wealth he had imagined had turned into a mirage right before him today.

He couldn't tell whether he felt disappointment or loss; he just wanted this farce to end as soon as possible.

Qiu Yuanyuan wanted to leave, but after being ruthlessly blocked by the burly men at the door once again, she couldn't help but yell at the people in front of her.

"What right do you have to hold us here? We haven't committed any crime! Even if we did, it's up to the police to apprehend us, not you!"

"Let us go."

"I want to see President Lu!"

She hysterically yelled, but no one paid any attention to her. The expression on Qiu Yuanyuan's face became increasingly embarrassed.

She turned around and saw her silent father, Qiu Zhengyi, and she became anxious.