Chapter 383 - Not Living Alone _1

She then pointed out the letter at the very bottom and reminded, "We found this letter among the baby's swaddling clothes. It must have been left by your relative. We only kept it safe, thinking we would show it to the child when she grew up."

Yin Ci gratefully looked at the principal, picking up a weighty letter.

As they were about to leave, the principal escorted the couple to the door. Just before they left, someone hastily rushed to the principal's side and whispered, "Principal Jones, the orphanage just received a sizable donation. I thought you needed to be informed."

As she spoke, she took out the receipt for the donation, which had several zeros. Even the normally calm Principal Jones appeared somewhat surprised.

"What is this?"

In previous years, people in the community would donate to the orphanage. But once all the donations were totaled, they usually didn't amount to this sum.