Chapter 415: The Emotional Card_1

A small hand grasped Yin Ci's at that moment, making her look down instinctively.

Looking at Yu's serious little face, she said, "Sister Ci, I really care about you."

Yin Ci felt a warmth in her heart and smiled softly, ready to explain.

But her mother, caught up in the drama, hummed softly, "Yu cares about you more than she cares about me, and I haven't even gotten jealous yet."

Yu gripped Yin Ci's hand tighter, clearly a little panicked.

"Don't be nervous, we're just joking."

Yin Ci gently patted the back of her hand to reassure her.

It was then that Wen Xin realized she might have gone too far and quickly said, "Yeah, it's not serious."

Yu let out a small sigh of relief and nodded sensibly, "I know."

Zhenghua came to smooth things over, "We've had someone tidy up your room a bit, take Yu up with you."


Yin Ci had no objections; she had been thinking the same.

According to Lu Jian Shen, it was Fang Heming's intention to play the sympathy card with Yu.