Chapter 417 Playing Dirty_1

Because Big Brother is very reliable.

Jian Lianxi listened quietly to his complaints and then glanced at him before responding coolly, "So, why did you confiscate my cell phone?"

To him, such an injury was a trivial matter and he could completely handle the affairs of the Jian Clan.

Jian Jiajun really wanted to roll his eyes at Big Brother, if only he wasn't afraid that he would beat him up with his injury.

"One, you indeed need to recuperate properly."

"Two, it gives you an opportunity to find a sister-in-law for me and Yinyin."

"Three, if your injury isn't severe, that girl Fang Yu will have an excuse to plead for Fang Heming on behalf of our parents."

No matter what, Jian Lianxi had to feign a serious injury.

Jian Lianxi knew exactly how to deal with this mess from what he had heard.

He lowered his gaze and asked, "What's the situation with Fang Heming and Fang Yu now?"